Filling out an entry form for a show may seem complicated at first, but really, it's not all that hard. Below is a sample
form that is relatively typical of what most shows use.
The important information you need to know includes:
If your chickens are large fowl or bantams.
The breed of your chickens.
The variety of the breed that you're showing. Variety typically refers to the color, for example: a Plymouth Rock can
come in several varieties such as White, Barred, or Columbian. You need to note which you are entering on the form.
If you are showing a breed such as Buckeyes, which has only one variety, just put the breed name down.
How many of each of the four gender classes you plan to enter (female chickens under the age of one year as of the
date of the show are pullets, older than one year are hens, males younger than one year are cockerels, older than one
year are cocks.) The abbreviations for genders are P for pullet, H for hens, K for cockerels, and C for cocks.
You won't have to put it on the form itself, but it's always good to know the class in which the breed exists. For
example, for large fowl, are they in the American, English, Asian class, and so on; or if bantams, are they in the
Single Comb Clean Legged (SCCL), Rose Comb Clean Legged (RCCL) and so on. That way when you get to the
show you'll know where to go to coop your birds in. If you don't have one yet, we strongly encourage you to
purchase a current copy of the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection, and or the American Bantam
Association's Standard.
Some shows have entry spots available to show Trios and Displays. There's some great info on how these specialty
entries work at the website of the APA-ABA Youth Poultry Club, found at this PDF.
Some shows give you the option to pay for a Double Coop, (these are typically only used by large fowl males), and if
you have a larger breed of chicken, a double coop can be worth the extra money.
Some shows have separate entry forms for youth versus adults ("Open" show), if the form doesn't designate, it's a
good idea to mark the age of the exhibitor on the form so the show will know which are for youth. Or, as in the
example below, simply circle the appropriate term so the show secretary will know.
Then add the number of each type of bird you're taking, multiply by the entry fee, add in the fees for any double
coops you want, and fill out the rest of the form. Many shows are including a required fee for building clean up,
you'll have to include that in your entry fees.
Once you have the form filled out, make a copy of it so you'll know what you entered, make out a check, and mail it
in! It's polite to try to get your entry in before the actual deadline, to give the show secretary time to enter everything
into their computer and generate cage cards.
Once you've done that, you're ready to finish prepping your birds to show (conditioning should begin weeks ahead of
a show.) See these articles for more info on how to wash, and condition and prep your birds. See this article for
general info on how to show poultry. And after the show, if you have questions about the way the judge marked
your cage cards, check out these two articles on reading cage cards, #1 and #2. Good luck, and have fun!
How to Fill Out a Show Entry Form
The American Buckeye Poultry Club
All material copyright 2001 to present by Laura Haggarty. All rights reserved. No material to be reproduced in any form without prior written permission