ABPC Districts
The American Buckeye Poultry Club
SOUTHWESTERN - The States of Arkansas, Kansas,
Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Arizona,
Nevada, and the Country of Mexico.
Representative: Aaron Baker
CENTRAL – The States of Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota,
Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and
the Province of Ontario.
Representative: Janis Montgomery
WESTERN - The States of Washington, Oregon, California,
Wyoming, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Hawaii,
Nebraska, Colorado, The Provinces of Alberta, British
Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan.
Representative: Currently unfilled
SOUTHEASTERN - The States of Alabama, Georgia, Florida,
Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Kentucky, Virginia, Bermuda, U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto
Representative: Chris McCary.
NORTHEASTERN - The States of Connecticut, Delaware,
Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New
Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont,
West Virginia, the District of Columbia and the Provinces of
Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,
Newfoundland and Labrador.
Representative: Steve Stanulonis

From the ABPC Constitution
and Bylaws:
"The four elected officers
shall appoint a Representative
of each District. In the event
that no Representative is
appointed, then the Vice
President shall serve as de
facto Representative."
Any ABPC member interested
in standing as District Rep
should contact the club by